Singing Guide: John Reardon

Singing Guide: John Reardon

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

John Reardon is celebrated for his remarkable baritone voice and his skilled interpretations of roles by classic composers like Mozart, Rossini, and Puccini. If you want to learn to sing like Reardon, you'll need to pay attention to a few key aspects of his style that help set him apart from other operatic baritones.
Reardon's signature sound is characterized by his rich, powerful voice and his ability to bring depth and nuance to his performances. One of the key factors that contributes to his unique sound is his exceptional use of breath control. By properly supporting his voice and controlling his breath, Reardon is able to sustain long, powerful phrases and produce a rich, resonant sound.
To develop breath control like Reardon's, you can utilize Singing Carrots' article on breathing basics and breath support techniques.
Another important aspect of Reardon's vocal technique is his skilled use of resonance. He has the ability to create a warm, resonant sound that fills a performance space and commands attention. To achieve a similar effect, focus on utilizing Singing Carrots' article on resonance in singing techniques.
When it comes to song selection, Reardon's performances of classic arias like "Largo al factotum" from "The Barber of Seville" by Rossini and "Di Provenza il Mar" from "La Traviata" by Verdi are exemplary, showcasing his vocal prowess and dramatic skill. Take a look at Singing Carrots' songbook to find pieces that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.
Other Singing Carrots resources you can use to help you develop your voice and learn to sing like John Reardon include the vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, and vocal pitch monitor, all of which can help you diagnose your strengths and areas for improvement.
In addition, you can use the pitch training tool to work on your range, agility, and pitch accuracy, and take the full-length singing course to develop your theory and practical tips on how to improve your singing.
With consistent practice and dedication to honing your breath control, resonance, and dramatic skill, you may find yourself achieving the remarkable sound and artistry of John Reardon.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.